Raffaella Isidori

Raffaella Isidori
Raffaella Isidori

A creative polymath consultant, for almost three decades Raffaella has been designing, creating brands, and optimizing the communication for businesses around the world, as well as assisting companies in their localization (English/Italian). Besides that, she studies, teaches, takes pictures, speaks at conferences, writes, translates, and coaches professionals on communication & language. You can see her work at www.raffaellaisidori.com. Curious as the cats that share her home, and in love with diversities, Raffaella lives and works in the countryside – surrounded by some flora and lots of fauna. She identifies as a happy misfit, practises mindfulness, cultivates dreams, pushes boundaries, and collects books, fonts, and essential oils. Online, she’s Zetaraffix.

Mindful design: designing with presence for purpose and inclusion

While the notion of mindfulness has had a resurgence as a buzz word, its profound and most deep meaning goes beyond light meditation and coloring books: mindfulness is a state of being, an approach to life (and to our work, regardless of its genre) that calls for presence and awareness, care and purpose. Living mindfully, designing mindfully, coding mindfully can be extremely rewarding, for us and for the beneficiaries of our work.

A sessão destina-se a todos. A apresentação será em inglês.


Publicado por Jose Freitas

I help small and medium businesses to create communication strategies to have more customers and make more sales. WordPress sites are always in the center of the ecosystem. For 25 years I was a journalist. I'm a committed advocate of WordPress community as a way to change the world. One site at a time. Using WordPress since 2008.

WordCamp Lisboa 2019 is over. Check out the next edition!